The (almost)* Bike Hotel in Salice Terme

We are partners with the best local bike professionals to guarantee you fun in maximum safety on exciting routes. First of all we use certified guides from the Accademia Nazionale Mtb with years of experience but above all with an incredible love for our territory. The passion that the now legendary Gil (our historic guide) will transmit to you for the OltrePo, in addition to revealing all its secrets, legends and information about what you will see, will make you live an experience that you will be happy to take home. Dioniso Cicli Greenway, a few hundred meters from us, is a new reality with which we are happy to collaborate where you will find E-Bikes and all the assistance and experience necessary to have fun on a bike. is another local reality that has been accompanying MTB lovers around our valleys for years and they are very good 🙂 . Our surroundings offer a mix of flat but also very steep routes ideal for all different types of cyclists: beginners or experts… The Champion Fausto Coppi was born just 40 minutes from us in Castellania where all cyclists go to pay homage to him and visit his museum. Here you will find a taste of some MTB and road bike routes and many others will be proposed to you by the certified guides we work with.

* Almost because the intention is there but before becoming a real 100% bike hotel there is still a little bit to go...

The routes

Trip to the sea in Chiavari and Portofino

Raggiungere Chiavari (eventualmente anche Portofino) passando dal passo del Brallo e dalla val d’Aveto. Infine questa proposta, tuttavia, dovrebbe essere organizzata con pesce mangiato al mare e tornare al bus… (lo [...]

Val Tidone, Diga del Molato and Zavattarello

Come tutti i giri qui proposti anche questo è percorribile in entrambi i sensi. Nello specifico, questo comprende il primo tratto pianeggiante lungo la Via Emilia, sino all’abitato di Cardazzo qualche [...]

Piani del Lesima

Up to the top! This itinerary takes us to the summit of Monte Lesima, at an altitude of 1724 m a.s.l. Once you reach the Prodongo plains, along the uphill, partly unpaved [...]

The Overview

Bellissimo itinerario immerso nel verde dei faggi e quasi totalmente in sterrato, che alterna tratti su strade forestali e singletrack, attraverso un’articolata serie di morbide salite e piacevoli discese. Per questa [...]

The Tour of Pareto

Giro ad anello percorribile in entrambi i sensi, si puo considerare un percorso “four seasons” proprio perché è possibile effettuarlo in tutte le stagioni anche quella invernale. Lunghezza di circa 60 [...]

Penice, Val Trebbia and Brallo

Giro che possiamo definire montano, visto che comprende due salite lunghe ognuna più di 15 km. Lunghezza circa 120 km, dislivello circa 1800 mt, tempo stimato sopre le 5 ore Si [...]

Casa Coppi the champion

Route that winds through the Tortona hills overlooking the Scrivia Valley, a very interesting route along the roads of the legend of Italian cycling: Fausto Coppi. Length of about 80 [...]

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